If your skin is sensitive, then you should know what skincare routine is suitable for sensitive skin. Although sensitive skin is a challenge for you, you can’t afford to miss out on proper skincare so that your sensitive skin doesn’t get worse. Let’s find out what are the best skincare routines for people with sensitive skin.

What is Sensitive Skin?

Sensitive skin means it’s more prone to stinging and itching. It’s even common for sensitive skin to burn when using the wrong products or other triggers. The triggers of sensitive skin symptoms are quite diverse, you may be quite tired of dealing with the effects of inappropriate skincare products if you have sensitive skin.

Apart from skincare products, environmental factors can also worsen the condition of sensitive skin, be it exposure to pollution, or sun exposure. For those with sensitive skin, you need to identify the triggers so that you can take certain steps to avoid them properly.

Your skin is sensitive if it overreacts to these triggers. Although there are some external factors, genetic factors can also cause you to have sensitive skin.

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Characteristics of Sensitive Skin

Inflammation-prone skin means sensitive skin. If your skin has a strong reaction when exposed to certain chemicals in skincare products, then it’s probably a case of sensitive skin. Usually, serious sensitive skin conditions are quite rare and are only aesthetically disturbing.

But you still have to deal with it properly so that it doesn’t get worse. It’s easy enough to control the symptoms of sensitive skin but you have to be consistent. A simple change in skincare routine can have a significant impact. To better anticipate sensitive skin, find out what the common symptoms are below:

– Redness Of The Skin

One of the symptoms of sensitive skin is redness which is among the most common in sufferers. Redness is characterized by dilated blood vessels, red bumps, and rashes. Redness can go away but the irritant needs to be removed first. Certain light treatments can also address the redness of sensitive skin.

– Reactive Skin

Sensitive skin means reactive skin, the products you use daily can react to your sensitive skin. So you need to pay attention to what daily products you use including perfumes, detergents, and soaps. Not only reactions due to daily products but also environmental factors.

– Dry Skin

Sensitive skin is synonymous with dry skin. Dry skin can cause the skin to break out easily or even cause acne. Due to certain environmental factors including cold weather, or strong winds, it can make your sensitive skin even drier. – Intense rash

If you have sensitive skin, you will probably have a lot of red rashes. Rashes can become more severe in people with sensitive skin if the face cream they use is not suitable. The rash can happen quickly when the face cream or other products make contact, then you can feel the discomfort of the rash,

– Skin Burns Easily

Sunlight can cause certain skin disorders ranging from mild to quite serious. If you do not prevent sun exposure to your sensitive skin, your skin can become irritated. In more serious cases, your sensitive skin may peel off.

It’s important to always have sunscreen on hand for your outdoor activities. However, you need to be more selective in choosing sunscreen products because some may cause skin allergies. Besides considering sunscreens with high SPF, avoid those with titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, and other ingredients that are not healthy for sensitive skin.

– Prone To Acne

People with sensitive skin are more prone to breakouts too. Even if you use acne creams or cleansers, your breakouts may get worse and you may need to focus on skincare products for sensitive skin. By identifying the symptoms of sensitive skin, you can know whether your skin is sensitive or not.

If you are experiencing some of the symptoms above, then you should find out the best routine to nourish sensitive skin or at least not aggravate the symptoms.

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Recommended Sensitive Skin Care Routine

Taking care of sensitive skin can be a daily routine. Setting up a skincare routine is essential as climate conditions can be unpredictable and often quite harmful to sensitive skin such as the intensity of pollution, and the scorching sun. If you don’t anticipate them well, sensitive skin can develop more serious problems.

It’s better to do the right skincare and do it consistently. Skin care not only has to be routine but must be the right way too. Sensitive skin makes you not free to choose skincare products. Skincare routine suggestions for sensitive skin you can do easily at home are as follows:

– Morning Skincare Routine

Before doing any of your activities, you should have a regular morning skincare session. The first step is to cleanse the skin, and it’s better not to cleanse the skin only in the morning. Depending on whether your skin is reactive or dry, there are times when you can just spray some water, and that’s enough.

What’s more important is the cleansing product you choose because it can affect sensitive skin. Make sure you use gentle cleansers to avoid aggravating your skin. The cleanser should be optimally hydrating and nourishing to nourish the skin barrier.

If you don’t know what kind of cleanser to choose, take your time to consult a doctor first. You can follow these steps to take care of your sensitive skin:

1. Moisturizes the skin

It’s not just sensitive skin that needs moisturizing, every skin type needs enough moisture. However sensitive skin tends to need more moisture than other skin types. You can prepare a moisturizing cream or gel to use in the morning. Make sure to use moisturizing products before you apply makeup.

2. Protect your sensitive skin

You need to protect your sensitive skin as much as possible, especially from the sun. Use sunscreen every time you go out, especially during the hottest part of the day. Unlike other skin types, sensitive skin needs extra protection.

It’s better to choose a sunscreen with minerals as the main ingredient and make sure the ingredients are not easily irritating. Don’t be lazy to read product information to prevent more severe symptoms of sensitive skin.

– Nighttime Skincare Routine

After finishing your day’s activities, it’s time to do your skincare routine at night. Before going to bed, make sure you do a skincare session first for the good of your sensitive skin. After doing activities outside, there will be a lot of dirt on your skin.

To keep your sensitive skin healthy, do optimal cleansing. When cleansing your skin, make sure you start by removing your makeup first. Make sure there is no dirt on your face to proceed to the next step. Don’t forget to use a cleanser with gentle ingredients so that the natural oils in the skin are not lost.

If your skin is clean enough, you can continue with a moisturizing session and do an extra treatment before bed. Although optional, you can consider using a serum to further protect the skin, hydrate the skin, or other benefits depending on the serum product.

Avoid Harmful Ingredients for Sensitive Skin

In addition to your morning and night skincare routine, you should also avoid certain ingredients that can aggravate sensitive skin. Some ingredients may irritate your skin so much that you need extra care to relieve it.

Some ingredients can irritate your sensitive skin because they are harsh or can damage the skin’s protective barrier. Others can trigger allergies, which is also not good for sensitive skin. As much as possible, avoid these harmful ingredients to nourish sensitive skin:

– Alcohol

If your sensitive skin is exposed to alcohol from using certain skincare products, it can make your skin drier. Your skin can also become irritated due to alcohol. To preserve your skin’s natural oils and avoid serious sensitive skin symptoms, it’s best to avoid skincare products with alcohol content.

– Fragrances And Colorants

You should also avoid skincare products with dyes or fragrances. Such chemicals can irritate your skin so that your sensitive skin may become itchy, and reddish due to exposure to these ingredients. Usually, these ingredients are often present in many types of skincare products so you need to be extra vigilant.

You can check the product label first and then check the composition in detail so that you don’t choose the wrong skincare product.

– Sulfate Ingredients

The use of sulfates is usually for a strong detergent to remove dirt but can also remove the intensity of natural oils as well. If sulfates are too often exposed to sensitive skin, it can make it even drier. If not avoided, your sensitive skin will be more prone to irritation so avoid sulfate-based products as much as possible.

In addition to the ingredients above, you need to avoid AHA, BHA, and retinoids in skincare products as well. If you must use retinoid-based products, try to use low levels. Don’t use it intensely either, do it gradually while monitoring the effects of your sensitive skin on retinoids.

AHA & BHA exfoliate dead skin cells but can irritate sensitive skin. As with retinoids, make sure you use products with a low AHA/BHA composition if you must use them.

That’s the discussion about sensitive skin skincare routines, and what ingredients to avoid, hopefully useful.